Monday, April 12, 2010

2 Months!

I can hardly believe my little Benjamin is already 2 months old. I'm a little late in posting this because well, I started my blog yesterday and he was 2 months on April 3rd, but here are his 2 month stats.

Height -
24 inches

Weight -
12lbs 9oz (totally surprised his mama who thought he'd be around 11lbs 7oz!)

At my 2 month dr. appt (which fell during my nap time, good planning mama)

I wasn't too happy to discover that all those check marks on the page meant SHOTS! I cried a little bit when I got poked but was mostly mad that they woke me up from my nap.

mmm, do these band-aids make my legs look chunky??

Likes - You love your swing, hanging out on your changing table making faces at mama and daddy, tummy time, going for walks, your paci. You're starting to notice your dog Floppy more and more which makes your daddy (a dog lover) so happy! You love your bath time as long as you stay warm, even though you don't look thrilled in the pic below.

Dislikes - Diaper changes at night, having to wait more than 5 minutes to eat (wonder who he got that from?), getting into your car seat but then you're okay once you're in, having to put your arms through your clothes

Eating - You're drinking about 5 ounces of milk every 3-4 hours, and have 6 ounces right before mommy and daddy go to sleep for the night

Sleeping - You're usually ready for bed about 8:00pm and sleep until 10:30 when mommy and daddy get you up for one more feeding. You've started sleeping until about 3:00am before you whimper a bit and we give you your paci then you sleep until about 5am. You eat, then sleep until sometime between 7:30 and 8:00. Sometimes you're up a bit more during the night but you're learning and the extra sleep is much appreciated! You take good naps during the day, we're working on them being in your crib when we're home and you're quickly catching on. You're a bit of a light sleeper like your mama so we swaddle you up to keep your crazy arms from flailing.

Personality -
You are smiling up a storm at your mama and daddy and we LOVE it. We often fight over who gets to have playtime with you because you're so cute. You're sooo alert and love to stare at lights and bright pictures in books. You have amazing neck support for your age and really strong legs. You act like you're DYING when you decide you're hungry but we think it's cute (most of the time). We're not sure yet whether you're going to have your mama's temper or your daddy's laid back nature, only time will tell.

Highlights -
This month you went on your first airplane trip with mommy. You did EXCELLENT and traveled so well. We went back to Idaho to visit all your aunts, uncles, grandmas and grandpas. I must say you completely loved all the attention and I think they kinda like you too! You did so great on the 7 1/2 hour drive home so we're hoping you'll be a great traveler overall which is good because I think Auntie Amanda insists we come back to visit very often (which is okay with you because you gave her huge smiles all weekend!)

Benjamin Daniel, your mommy and daddy love you soooo much. You bring so much joy to our lives and we are so grateful God gave you to us. We pray for you everyday, so much enjoy watching you grow and learn, and could spend all day kissing your precious cheeks!

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