Thursday, January 13, 2011


I wanted to "write" these things down so I can remember the sweetness of the moment.

Benjamin is fighting his first real fever :-(  He didn't nap well this morning so I got him up, grabbed some banana puffs and cuddled on the couch to watch a Praise Baby DVD.  He ate a few puffs, watched the show and then looked at me with a huge smile.  I smiled back and he went back to eating puffs and watching.  A few minutes later he looked at me with a huge smile.  I smiled back and he went back to eating and watching.  The same thing happened a few minutes later.  It was as if he was just enjoying being able to watch one of his favorite shows with his Mama.  Normally, I only let him watch a show when I need a 1/2 hour to prep dinner, etc but today was all about time together to feel better.  I just always want to remember the sweet time together and how much his precious smile melted my heart.

I have a great husband.  He's a wonderful friend, a hard working provider, and an amazing Daddy.  Sunday afternoon we ate lunch and put Benjamin down for a nap.  I sat on the couch and took my ponytail out.  I'm always wearing ponytails so my hair gets "kinks" in them when I put it up wet.  When I took my ponytail out, Peter noticed and said "does it feel good to let your hair out?"  I said, "Yeah, sometimes it can "hurt" after being in a ponytail."  A few moments later as I sat on the couch, I felt something scratch my head.  Peter had gone and got a hairbrush from upstairs and was brushing my hair.  Having your hair brushed is sooo relaxing and feels sooo good.  I was just so touched at his thoughtfulness and kindness.  I kinda like him :-)

I gave Benjamin a cool/lukewarm bath after lunch, gave him a bottle and put him down for a nap.  Let's hope he can rest a little so he'll feel better soon.  But if he still needs someone to cuddle with when he wakes up....well, a Mama's gotta do what a Mama's gotta do!

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