Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Midweek Randoms

Goodness, you know how you plan to have a low key morning at home and it ends up being filled with lots of little things that all come at once and need to be done right that moment?  That was today.  But, in a good way.  The boys are finally sleeping so I thought I'd post a few random thoughts.

*  My friend and I are getting ready to have a garage sale next weekend.  It satisfies my nesting craziness to purge our house of unnecessary items, and it feeds my friend and I's garage sale fund for the rest of the summer.  Seems kind of funny to have a garage sale to make money to spend at garage sales, but hey, it works right?

*  Jonah thinks its hilarious when his Floppy dog wears a diaper

*  I always have Peter and my boys match for Easter Sunday, with a simple blue oxford type shirt and khakis.  I usually wear whatever kind of matches them and looks sort of Springy.  But I've never been pregnant over Easter before so my options are a lot more limited.  I'll have to see if I can find something that will work since I don't want to go buy something new.  And fingers crossed that my boys will let me get a picture of them that doesn't involve closed eyes, tears, tongues sticking out, or crazy faces :-)

*  Speaking of pictures of my boys, I'm trying to have them practice taking a picture with normal smiles.  We're making progress??  Maybe??

*  We're excited to go back to our church small group tonight.  We've missed the past 3 weeks because of sickness, being out of town, and company.  We're so blessed with good friends!

*  I feel sorry for people who don't like leftovers.  Some things really are better the second day and not having to cook dinner one day is awesome.  Leftover enchiladas on the menu tonight, yum!!

*  Peter and I have had a bit of downtime in the evening to watch some shows and some that we've been watching are Crisis (started off slow but picking up a bit), Shark Tank (love seeing all the ideas) and Call the Midwife (such a great show, the characters are fabulous!)

*  I'm over 6 months pregnant now which is crazy!  I'm feeling really good, definitely feeling pregnant, but sleeping well and feeling well so no complaints.  I should probably take a bump picture sometime....should probably stop eating chocolate before that happens, ha!

*  Enough random thoughts, I need to have my devotions

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