Monday, April 13, 2015

Decorating our tree

The evening after we went to find our Christmas tree, we spent the rest of the day setting it up and decorating it all.  It makes our house so cozy and cheerful when its all done and we look forward to it every year.  The boys are a pretty good amount of help (most of the time!) and get so excited about it all.  Every year we get the boys a new ornament of their own so they'll have a little collection to take to their own homes when they're grown.  We try to find something that reminds us of their personality at that age or something they enjoyed at that age.  And each year they get to hang their own special ornaments on the tree.  My parents gave us so many ornaments growing up so this is a fun tradition I like to carry on with my boys.  It really is wonderful to hang the ornaments for each of my boys and count the blessings of the years we've had with each of them.

Once the tree was all completed, we gave the boys a bath and then settled in with some popcorn and hot chocolate to watch The Polar Express.  With the festive lights from the trees and my 3 boys all cuddled on the couch together, life was sweet.  Love this time of year :-)

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