Monday, December 3, 2012

9 Months!! - Jonah

Let's just pretend that I'm not just now writing Jonah's 9 month post.  Seeing as how he turned 10 months old over a week ago.  Hmmm.  I guess life is a little busy.

But we still loooove our little Jonah.  Here's what he's been up to.

Height:  28 3/4 inches

Weight:  17lbs 6 ounces

Likes:  You love your brother, bathtime, grabbing computer cords :-), being outside, playing the piano, reading books, being tickled.  You love climbing up the stairs and stealing Benjamin's Floppy.

Dislikes:  Having to lay down to have your diaper changed.  You scream like a crazy man, not so fun.  You also dislike having to wait more than 5 minutes for food when you are hungry.  Your cry can be so pitiful and adorable.  But you have also mastered the fake cry....probably due to imitating your brother :-)

Eating:  You are an EA-TER.  Oh goodness you can put away some food.  You eat pretty much everything except for peas, and other vegetables when you're being really picky.  You love bananas, pasta, gogurts, cheese, all fruits, cheeseburgers, chicken, muffins.  You also nurse 4 or 5 times a day though only for about 5 minutes each time.  We've almost made it a full year!

Sleeping:  You are still a pretty good sleeper.  You go to bed around 8pm each night, usually sleeping until between 5:30am-7am.  Then after you nurse, you go back to sleep until 8:30am or 9am.  You sometimes take a short morning nap and always take an afternoon nap of at least 2 hours.  You still sleep with your sound machine, paci and Floppy.

Personality:  You have really blossomed.  You have fully discovered your voice and we love it (most of the time!)  You are sooo chill, yet you are always on the move.  You are ornery and sneaky and secretly we kind of love it.  You will crawl over to the radio, push the buttons to turn it off, and then crawl away as fast as you can hoping not to get caught.  It's hilarious.  You have the most infectious giggle and smile.  Your eyes tell a story and you love undivided attention.

Highlights:  You learned how to climb up the stairs.  You imitate or try to repeat several words including "brub brub" (our word for brother), "giraffe", "hi-ya", "ball" or "rrrrrr" (lion roar).  We visited grandparents in Idaho again.  Your first Halloween was a blast.

Jonah, we just love this stage you are in.  We smile every day watching you grow and learn and we are so blessed to be your parents.  Your smile melts our hearts and most nights we hate bedtime because we just want to keep you awake and play with you.  Thanks for being so adorable, we love you.

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