Sunday, June 16, 2013

Say Please

This is one of those posts that you want in the memory books because you want to remember the good and the bad......but at the same time you wish it was just a silly story and not a reality that shows the reality of sin, even in our little children.

Jonah is strong willed.  And he is stubborn.  I can say that he's stubborn because I know stubborn.  I am stubborn.  So is Peter.  In fact, Peter thought he was stubborn until he met me.  Our kids were just genetically destined to be stubborn and Jonah is not disappointing.

For whatever reason, I had been a bit lax in teaching Jonah to ask for things in a polite and kind way rather than just pointing and whining.  I know how quickly it can become a bad habit and its not honoring to the Lord to treat others that way, so I wanted to be more consistent and firm in this area.  Things like saying "please" when you want something.  And Jonah would randomly try to sign please or make an attempt at saying the word.

So when he started using more whining than manners, I asked him to say "please" at the breakfast table for his milk.  He refused.  And screamed.  I tried discipline that normally works but yet he refused.  All morning long.  We tried putting him on a stool for time-out until he would relent, but he cried and screamed at us.

He literally began to fall asleep on the stool, so I put him down for a nap.  I thought he'd wake up happy and want to say please for milk and a snack.  He didn't.  He screamed in our faces over and over and over.  Yes, he did get milk, and did eat dinner, but wasn't given dessert or toys unless he wanted to politely ask for them.  We knew he was capable of showing love in asking for things politely, and we knew that he was being simply defiant.  And honestly, it just broke our hearts.  Oh, how we hate to see sinful natures in our kids.  We just so much want to see them know Jesus at a young age who has died to free them of that sin.

Jonah never relented that day.  He went to bed without saying or signing please.  And even now, won't say it (unless our friends ask him to sign it, then he will........until he realized we're watching, then he won't!)  Crazy huh?  We've just determined to pray,pray, pray.  And try to be consistent in showing him how to treat his parents, brother, and others.  Because Christ shows us how to do that.

Raising children is kind of scary sometimes.  Lord, help me raise them in a way that is pleasing to you and shows them who You are.

Jonah, we love you.  Lucky for you, your Mama is just as stubborn as least I think so.  You might give me a run for my money.  But goodness we adore you and are so blessed to be your parents!  And if you want to start saying please tomorrow, that'd be kind of amazing :-)

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