Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Fire Station Open House

Our boys LOVE firetrucks.  They are obsessed with playing firefighters and do so most days.  They even use the legs of my piano to pretend they are fire poles, it's hilarious!  So when it came time for our local fire station to have their open house, we knew we had to go again.  We don't even tell our boys about it until the night before because we know they will ask us every 5 minutes if its time to go there.

So we headed out Saturday morning and got there about 25 minutes early so we could be first in line for the fire truck rides.  The boys were in awe of all the fire trucks lined up.  Of course, I left my good camera right by the door, so we had to settle for Peter's celllphone pictures, but at least there's a memory right?

They started their fire truck rides a bit early and we got on the first one.  The driver even put on the sirens and the boys loooved that cars pulled over for us (I don't think they were technically supposed to do that!)  After we were done, I got right back in line so they could ride again even though it was going to be about a 25 minute wait.  Peter took the boys to go practice holding and spraying a fire hose before they joined me in line for another ride.

After their second ride, we enjoyed a free lunch of hot dogs and soda, then went to watch them spray down the grounds from the top of their huge ladder truck.  The boys loved this part, Jonah talked about it for days.  He kept playing with his own fire truck afterwards saying, "is this ladder super high mom?  is it super high?"  Yes, sweetheart, super high!

Next we headed over to the field where they were going to land their rescue helicopter.  They pretty much land as close as they can to right in front of you and of course, the boys loved it.  Then they got to sit inside it and talk to the pilot.  This was one of Ben's favorite parts.

The boys had so.much.fun at the fire station and ask at least once a week if they can go back.  We loved spending a fun Saturday with our little guys doing some of their favorite stuff, its so fun being a parent sometimes!

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