Sunday, December 1, 2013

Movie Morning

I'll be the first to admit that sometimes I get so caught up in what I need to do that I forget about who really needs me.  So I'm trying to make a more conscious effort in this area of my mothering and when I do, I can see its fruitfulness.  My boys are less likely to act out in an attempt to get my attention, and actually play better and longer independently after their need for my attention has been met.

So, one morning I decided to just throw our normal routine off and speak Benjamin's love language.  And one of his love languages is movies and popcorn.

So I told Benjamin to grab a pillow, I threw blankets on the living room floor, and told the boys to have a seat.  We were going to have a movie morning.

Benjamin looked at me, just bewildered.  He said, 'But Mom, it's not even night time.  We have only been awake a little bit.'

I looked at his confusion and said, 'I know sweetie, I just thought we'd have a fun movie morning together.  No distractions, just us, and Robin Hood.  How's that sound?'

My sweet routine loving Benjamin thought for a minute, then jumped up and down and was delighted.  'Movie morning, movie morning!'

I was pretty sure I was Mom of the Year that morning.

And it was confirmed when I made us popcorn.  They were so excited to have that treat.  In the morning.  With Mommy sitting between them, watching a fun movie and dancing together on the couch when our favorite song comes on.

It was such a fun morning with my boys and reminded me to just throw routine out the window sometimes, forget about the laundry, and just enjoy the pure joy that these little moments can bring my boys.

Life is good.

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