Friday, December 27, 2013

The great snow of Oregon

It kind of makes me laugh now, because when my mom talked about moving to Oregon one of factors we used to convince her was that it hardly ever snowed.  And if it did, it never stayed around longer than 1 day.

Enter the great snow of Oregon with record breaking snow and temperatures.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

It resulted in school closures from Friday to Thursday, tons of accidents especially on the first day, lots of slick roads, and a bunch of Oregonians that didn't know what to do with themselves.

It kind of reminded me why I usually love living in Oregon without the snow....I'm not a huge fan. Sure it is pretty but it can be a bit of a nuisance.

Anyway, the first day it snowed Benjamin was beside himself with excitement.  So the boys went out for a little bit.  And they lasted a little while before the frigid temperatures caused them to come back inside.  A big improvement from Ben's first experience with snow where he cried and cried in our backyard and asked to go home :-)

The snow finally melted a week later and things went back to normal.  It was definitely a memory making week that's for sure.  Sorry for the snow Mom, we all survived right?  And I'll never happen again.  Wink wink!  :-)

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