Thursday, April 21, 2016

Ethan - 12 Months!!

Ethan, you have to forgive your mama for not keeping better stats for your first year of life, but you can always know that I just adored you and was too busy having fun with you!!!  Here's a few things to remember for your 1 year old self.

Weight:  about 27 lbs

Height:  about 33 inches

Likes:  You looove being outside, love riding around in the push car.  You love animals and balls.  You've started to like watching Elmo and like watching Baby Einstein.  Your dog Floppy never leaves your side.  You love wrestling with Daddy, coloring, vrooming your cars.

Dislikes:  Napping consistently, ha ha.  You're finally better about riding in the car.  You would prefer to have undivided attention but unfortunately buddy, that's not always possible.  You also tend to scream when your brothers are too much in your personal bubble :-)

Eating:  You switched over to whole milk right about 12 months after having nursed for about 10 months and formula for months 10 and 11.  You aren't really picky and eat most anything.

Sleeping:  You aren't a great sleeper but not awful.  Naps aren't always consistent but you sleep through the night from about 8pm to 7:30 or 8am.  You take one nap a day and will quickly be learning to adjust to a new schedule when Ben starts kindergarten when you are 13 months old.  You sleep with your Floppy and sound machine and usually suck your fingers.  You stopped taking a paci around 6ish months.

Personality:  You are our most social boy and don't seem super shy with strangers.  You definitely can scream to let us know you want something.  But you are the most goofy, ornery, attention loving, funny little boy.  You are a bit of a mama's boy but light up when Daddy comes up.  You scream when your brothers pick on you but you try so hard to do what they do.  You haven't started walking yet, but you take your first steps just shortly after turning 13 months.

We love you Ethan, we can't remember life without you and love you to pieces.

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