Tuesday, August 23, 2011

17/18 Months

Yet another post where I have to combine two months into one.....life is just too busy!! 
Here's what our little munchkin is up to these days (he turned 18 months on Aug. 3rd)

Height:  Not sure exactly, we don't have your appointment for a few more weeks, probably around 34 inches

Weight:  We had you weighed for a different type of appointment (more to come on that soon) and you were 30lbs, 4 ounces.  BIG BOY!

Likes:  You love to be outside, balls, shovels, animals, Elmo, sheep, airplanes, trains, tractors, books, playing tackle with Daddy, running around, swimming, singing/playing piano with Mommy.  I would say you are most obsessed with airplanes, sheep, bears, tractors, whales, sharks, anemones, and Elmo.  You talk about these things All.The.Time.  You love going to the park, and now you've learned to love going to garage sales too!  A lot of times in the car, you'll say "garage sale?"  I love it, ha!  You love going to church, love reading books and reading the Bible and you love, love, love to jump.

Dislikes:  You're a lot better about getting your face washes and we can finally brush your teeth without you screaming your head off!  Not sure what changed in your little head, but we're very appreciative.  You still don't love getting water poured over your head, and you hate when you have to come inside. You also still don't like to eat tomatos, citrus type fruits, eggs, cake or ice cream.  We think you're kinda crazy!

Eating:  Vegetables are still your love!  You discovered that you looove green beans from our garden so now you eat them all and Mommy and Daddy get none.  Go figure.  You love corn, green beans, peas, carrots, peppers, cucumbers, pickles, olives.  You also love apples, grapes, applesauce, blueberries, and looove when Mommy stops to pick blackberries on our walks!  You still love pasta and chicken and have started to eat hot dogs this month (you didn't eat them before)  You love macaroni and cheese, vegetable soup, chicken soup, sausage and pineapple smoothies.  You've learned the concept of "you have to eat one bite of this food before you can get down to play" and it's been wonderful.  You're such a great eater overall and we're so thankful.  You also LOVE your milk and would drink it all day long if I let you.  You drink water too, but don't really like juice which is just fine. 

Sleeping:  You are officially on one nap a day and it's working out great.  You usually go down for a nap after lunch about 1pm and sleep about 2-3 hours.  You don't fight it at all and I'm so glad you love to get that rest (Mommy likes it too!)  You go down for the night between 8 and 8:30pm and usually sleep somewhere between 6:30 and 7:30am.  I prefer 7:30 but whatever.  You usually wake up happy and will play in your crib for a little while and you're usually up for the day sometime between 7:30am and 8:00am.  You still sleep with your 2 Floppy's and a blanket.  You haven't had your paci for a couple months now and we're so grateful that you transitioned from it soooo well.  Mommy usually sings a few songs to you (you request songs about Jesus) and then we finish with "You are my sunshine."

Personality:  You are sooo talkative!  You can be shy around other people when it comes to talking, but at home or in the car you are non-stop.  You love to talk about animals, vehicles, what you see, songs, books, balls, etc.  You are also so aware of where we are going now.  We drove past McDonalds the other day and you said "Nuggets!"  Ha, oops, maybe we shouldn't go there for awhile.  When we pull into the driveway of our house you say in the cutest little voice "we're hooome!"  You are a smart little cookie and can fill in the blank when Mommy pauses during the alphabet song, and can fill in the numbers 1-10.  You are always, always, always, on the go and love to run.  When we ask you what your name is, you say "Benjamin" then we say Daniel, and you say "Klingler"  It's adorable!  You're still not a huge cuddlebug but love to sit on our laps while we read to you or watch a cartoon.  You give great kisses and "squeezes."  You are sometimes SO LOUD and crazy, but we enjoy it and are loud and crazy right there with you :-)

Highlights:  The past few months we've had a lot of visitors!  We did lots of activities with the Larmores and Poppy and GongGong and Auntie Amanda.  We went swimming, to the aquarium, to the ocean, and to the zoo.  You had such a fabulous time and talk about them all day long.  All of your molars are just about in and you had another haircut.

We are the luckiest parents in the world to have a little boy who we love so much.  We are just so grateful to God for you Benjamin, and love watching you grow up.  It is so fun to see you learn new things, say new words, and understand more.  We are so proud of you and find it hard to resist squeezing your cute little bum all day long.  I can't believe you're already 1 1/2 years old.....the time is just flying by.  
Our love for you is SO BIG Benjamin, and always will be!

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