Thursday, February 9, 2012

Our Love Story

I saw this fun idea on another blog and thought I would link up to join in, seeing as how Valentine's Day is just around the corner :-)
1. How long have you and your significant other been together?
We started dating the Sunday before Memorial Day in 2002, so we have been together for about 10 years now.  My dad actually gave Peter a gift certificate to a restaurant in town and told him to "please take me out"  He was probably sick of me sulking at home wondering when he would finally ask me out, despite the fact that we had been emailing/talking a lot.  To Peter's defense, he was just waiting until June when I would actually turn 18, ha :-)  Here's a few pictures of our dating years (the quickest ones I could find)  Wow, we look young....and thin.
 oh dear....the perfectly curled bang stage.  Lovely.

2. How did you meet?
Peter and I actually met at the church where my Dad was a pastor in Idaho.  Actually, when we found out we were moving from Iowa to Idaho my sister and I were really mad because we had been there 10 years and didn't want to leave.  But the church in Idaho sent us a directory of the church families there and we went looking for cute boys of course :-)  When I saw the picture of Peter with his family in the book, I just knew I wanted to meet him.  When we moved that summer though, he wasn't there at church!!  I tried asking (not so subtly) to one of the girls at the church to see if he still attended there, and found out that he did still go there, but was away as a camp counselor that summer.  We finally met, though we didn't have a whole lot of interest in each other because I was young (16) and immature.  And plus, I thought he would always end up with one of my friends.  One night after a VBS family picnic, we ended up talking forever on the sand volleyball court and apparently when I went home that night, the smile on my face clued my mom in, and she knew that Peter was going to be her son-in-law.  That's where our relationship changed and we looked at each other differently.  We started dating and have come a long way since the first 3 emails he ever sent me (#1-he made fun of my favorite baseball team the Mariners, #2 he sent me a mathematical equation proving that girls were evil :-), and #3 he sent me a link to Word of Life Bible(Bridal) Institute saying there may be hope for me if I went)  HA!  Gotta love his sense of humor.  Here's the picture from the directory where I first saw Peter's all-American, handsome good looks!!

3. If married, how long have you been married?
We were married on October 8th, 2004 so we have been married 7 years

4. If you are married, where did you get married at? Big or small wedding?
We were married at a small little white church in Idaho.  My dad actually performed the ceremony in front of 75-100 people.  It was so special to have my dad marry us.  I have great memories of the day I married my best friend!

5. Do you have any nick-names that you call one another?
Hmmmm, I call him honey and he calls me babe.  I also call him Sweet Pete and hobos (not sure where that one came from)  He used to call me piggy princess when we were dating, probably due to my healthy appetite and slightly dramatic tendencies :-)

6. Name 3 things you love most about your honey
1.  I love how he loves the Lord, loves His Word and desires that we are a family that pleases Christ.
2.  I love how easy going and helpful he is.  He seriously is really laid back, not easily angered and a fabulous help with the dishes after dinner!
3.  He is the most amazing daddy.  He loves his boys with every ounce of who he is and he is the greatest provider for their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.  I adore watching him as a daddy.

4.  I just had to throw this in....I love his strong arms and how they put me right at ease when I am in them!

7. Tell us how he proposed?
The day he proposed we spent the day together in Spokane.  I can't remember exactly where we ate lunch but afterwards we went and played mini-golf.  It probably wasn't the greatest idea because it was miserably hot that day.  We were dying....not to mention the fact that Peter's little hatchback Honda (affectionately known as the Blue Lemon) did not have air conditioning.  UGH.  We drove home that evening and Peter told me we were going to have dinner with his parents at his house.  But when we arrived, his dad told us that we should go for a walk.  I tried to tell them that wasn't a great idea because I didn't want his parents to have to wait for us to eat dinner, but somehow they got me out the door.  We drove to the bottom of the local mountain and proceeded to hike up the mountain, in the heat, and I was hungry.  I wasn't exactly super happy at this point and was probably a little whiny.  Finally, Peter stopped us and we sat to rest.  He took a blade of grass and wrapped it around my finger like he's done before (telling me that someday he'd give me the real thing) and though I can't remember exactly what he said, he asked me to marry him and indeed, did give me the real diamond ring!  Of course, I said yes and we were so excited and enjoyed the moment.  We hiked a bit farther (Peter stopped us before we reached his ideal location because he was afraid I would get too hot and want to leave) and there was a picnic dinner set up for us.  We cooked filet mignons on a little barbeque, enjoyed sparkling cider and dessert and just cherished the moment.  As soon as we were finished it seemed like it was going to rain so we quickly packed up and headed (ran!) back to the car, grateful that no mountain lion smelled the steaks we were cooking and invited himself to dinner :-)  We came back to share the news with both of our families, and enjoyed the joy of the day!
pictures of our rings on our wedding day

8. Is he a flowers and teddy bear kind of guy for v-day, or strawberries, champagne, and rose petals?
He's probably more of a flowers and teddy bear kind of guy, though now I tell him not to buy flowers because the price is so inflated.  In reality we're more of a nice restaurant kind of couple....we do love our food!
9. Are you a sunset dinner on the beach kind of girl, or pop a movie in and relax on the couch?
We're both.  But in reality, for the stage of life we're in, it's probably more of a pop a movie in life we're living.  A newborn and a 2 year old will do that.  Okay, so maybe with a newborn and 2 year old, it's a "I had great ambitions to stay up and watch the movie but fell asleep on the couch" kind of date!
10. Tell us one thing you'd like to do with your significant one day. If you could do anything? Go anywhere?
I would love to do some sort of short term mission work as a family.  Probably working in an orphanage somewhere since we both have such a heart for kids.
11. Tell us what you plan on doing on this Valentine's Day.
I guess we hadn't thought much about it since Jonah was due February 12th.  But we'll probably have some tasty dessert and sparkling cider maybe after the kids go to sleep.  We don't tend to be super fancy on Valentine's Day....we sometimes will make a homemade card for each other and buy each other our favorite candy bar.
12. Are you asking for anything this Valentine's day?
Nope.  But now that I'm thinking about it I'll ask for a Saturday morning to sleep in a bit....though in reality I probably won't have to ask, he's so great about doing that for me when he can.
13. Give us one piece of advice of keeping a relationship strong and full of love.
Keep your relationship with God priority.  Learn to apologize and forgive.  Laugh with each other....alot.  Lots of hugs.  Make time for date nights and make time to just share and communicate life together. 
14. Show us a picture of what love means to you.

there's no one else I would rather spend my life with!
(family/friends, keep scrolling down for pics of Jonah's arrival!)

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