Monday, October 22, 2012

Potty Training?!?!?

What have I got myself into?  Potty training?  Oh goodness, save me.  To say I've been dreading this would be a bit of an understatement.  It all just seemed overwhelming and honestly, just messy.  But alas, diapers are expensive and Benjamin seems ready so off we went!

Day 1.  Um, yeah it was exhausting.  All day long we spent with trips to the potty, changing underwear over and over, putting stickers on his chart, eating jellybeans....the whole works.  The pros........he's very aware of when he's going potty and grasps the concept of how to sit on and go potty on the toilet.  The cons.......he sometimes realizes this only after he's wet his underwear.  Of course this is expected, but boy oh boy, it is tiring.

We're plowing forward though and tomorrow's a new day.  I may end up paying more money to color my hair month after month after I go gray than I ever would have for diapers.......but it must be done.

*Remind me of this again in 2 days when I'm curled up in a ball in the corner of my kitchen crying, ha!*

On another note, Jonah is crawling everywhere and has just had an explosion of personality the past few days.  I took the cutest video of him belly laughing so hard when Benjamin was jumping and crashing in his crib, it was adorable.  He's babbling a ton, smiling these huge goofy grins, and exploring everything.  He was also intentionally playing "peek-a-boo" with his sleeper.  And he totally knows how to "hi-ya" with the cardboard lightsaber.....he had a ball fighting Daddy.  I just love it.

1 comment:

  1. I am walking proof of the graying hair post potty training, no judgement here a good cry at the end of the day! Love you friend, you can do it!


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