Saturday, October 23, 2010

7/8 Months!!

Okay, so I've been a terribly bad mama blogger when it comes to Benjamin's monthly updates.  Life has been BUSY!  So here's a better late than never combination post for his 7th and 8th month.  He'll have a well-baby checkup in a couple weeks for his 9 month update.

Height:  approx. 28 inches

Weight:  approx. 21-22lbs....we just switched him over to his new convertible car-seat today.  So sad!!! 

Likes:  You love being outside.  You love your little slide, the swings, your stroller, being on Daddy's shoulders.  You still love your bathtime and are usually all over your little inflatable tub.  You now prefer your turtle bath toys and the squishy octopus.  You love being around your friends and going to church.  You play with all sorts of toys at the house and still like to jump in the johnny jump-up.  You love watching Baby Einstein's and flap your arms like a crazy man when you hear the theme song.  Of course, you still love your Floppy and paci, love your books and love kicking like a mad man on your changing table :-)

Dislikes:  You still dislike getting your face wiped after meals but you're a little bit better than you used to be.  You don't like putting your arms/head through shirts on some days.  You get scared at the sound of the coffee grinder and you hate to get your nose suctioned out!  You also don't like hats unless you're in the mood! 

Eating:  The past week has been a bit of an off week since your teething has decreased your appetite, but normally you love your food.  You have approx 24 ounces of formula a day from 4 bottles, and you've tried all sorts of new foods.  Some of them are:  taco soup, spaghetti, chicken, mashed potatos, red velvet cake, bread, cheerios, macaroni, graham crackers, cheese, yogurt, peaches, plums, oatmeal w/applesauce, zucchini, squash, corn, green beans....yep, he's a healthy little man :-)  You love to feed yourself and have pretty good hand mouth coordination.  You also do a great job with your sippy cup and love to drink your water!

Sleeping:  You're still a good, not great, sleeper.  You go to bed between 8:00 and 8:30 and sleep until 5:30/6:00am for a bottle then you usually sleep until about 8:00.  You take 2 naps a day which are usually about 1 to 1 1/2 hours a piece sometimes longer.  You've become a MUCH better napper sometimes sleeping for 2-3 hours on a rare day so I'm a happy mama.  You usually have a bath before bedtime, drink an 8 ounce bottle, cuddle with Daddy, have Mama sing "You are my sunshine" and go to sleep with your paci, 2 floppy's and a light blanket.  You very rarely fuss when we put you down.

Personality:  You have really started to come out of your shell, both good and bad.  You laugh SO HARD at times, especially when playing with your daddy.  You are also very stubborn and push our hands away when we're trying to get you to do something you don't want to do.  You're not a huge cuddle bug but now jump into our arms like a koala bear after you eat and are tired....we love it!  You say Da-Da all day long, still scream like a girl, LOVE to look at yourself in the mirror, and love to make noise.  You flirt like crazy with almost all girls young and old....we will have to keep an eye on that!  You have just started to say Mama though you only say it when you're crying (we think you picked this up from your cousin Jack in San Diego who is a bit of a mama's boy and cried for mama a lot, HA!)  :-)  You love to kick things with your feet so we're thinking we may have a soccer player on our hands.  You've also started to love playing the piano with your mama.

Highlights:  HUGE milestones have happened this month.  You now have 2 teeth on the bottom.  They pretty much popped through at the same time and they're adorable!  You were a bit fussy for a few days and we could tell there were moments you were in pain but all in all, it went pretty well.  Another awesome milestone is that you are now pretty much CRAWLING!!!  That's so crazy.  You've been so close for so long but now you can get up on all fours and get to wherever you want.  Now you're interested in pulling up on things so you can stand.....oh boy!  You've also traveled quite a bit having been to San Diego twice, to Bend and to Idaho.  You are a great traveler and we're so grateful for that.  

You still have about 10 days before you are 9 months and I feel like you are growing up and learning huge things each day.  It's awesome but kind of sad because you are getting so big.  We just love watching you learn and explore and it makes our day to see you smile or hear you say Mama and Dada.
It's official, we're going to keep you!  We love you Benjamin :-)

{scroll down for San Diego post}

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