Monday, November 22, 2010

Misc Monday

I really shouldn't be blogging but whatever!  I'm going to take 5 minutes to blog and finish my coffee from this morning :-)  I've been having a bit of insomnia lately so it was nice to finally get some sleep (even if I didn't fall asleep until 12:30) because our little guy slept until 10:00!!!!!  I couldn't believe it.  He was sooo wiped from only having one nap on both Saturday and Sunday so he was playing catchup.  Which meant Mommy could play a bit of catchup too, hooray!

Yesterday we spent the day enjoying a BOGO Starbucks holiday drink, that was an awesome promotion!  We played with Benjamin and enjoyed a day at home.  He was in such a great mood yesterday and we had a blast playing with him.  Here's a pic of Peter reading to him all cozy by the fire.

Later in the afternoon I took care of Benjamin while Peter worked on our tile project.  He was super nervous to actually cut the tile but once the first cut was complete, he felt so much better.  I'm proud of him for taking on something new and doing so well at it.  Here's where we're at now with the project.....the tile has all been cut and "mapped out".  Tonight Peter is going to make sure the screws in the wonderboard are nice and even, then it's time for mortar, lay the tiles, and finish with grout.  Don't know if it'll all get done tonight but it's really coming along and I love it!!

Isn't the tile pretty?  So much better than what was there before.

Today has been great so far.  Just doing laundry, cleaning, picking up, etc and entertaining Ben.  It's so hard to want to clean the house because he's sooo fun to play with.  So I give in a lot and just get down on the floor and try to get this goofy guy to give me his goofy smile!

Speaking of goofy, here's a pic from Sunday night after a little snack.  He didn't even realize it was stuck to his nose, too funny!


Okay, now I really must go because I have a lot to clean, pack, catch up on.....oh, and a shower would probably be nice too!  Yes, I realize it's almost 2pm and I haven't showered.  Don't judge :-)

I'm super excited because we decided to leave a bit early to head to Idaho for Thanksgiving and we're leaving Tuesday after work instead of Wednesday afternoon.  I'm looking forward to seeing our families!!!

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