Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bloggy Award!

 How funny is this!  My blog was given a blog award by a sweet gal who reads my blog.  Still blows my mind that anyone other than my mom and sister read about my everyday life, but it's fun anyway!!

Here's how the Stylish Blog Award works:

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award.

2. Share 7 things about yourself.

3. Award other bloggers.

4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award!

So here goes, sorry if I completely botch it....I'm used to posting about naps, Wal-Mart and desserts :-)

First off, thank you to Joy for this award.  She just had the sweetest baby girl!

Now, 7 things about myself......well, let's see

1)  I confirmed today that I cannot cut a straight line to save my life.  Thank goodness for paper cutters or my crafts for our Friday night Girls Night would look terrible.  Let's hope Benjamin didn't get my genetics in this area so he can actually pass kindergarten.

2)  Is it wrong that I feel like my territory is being marched on when Peter wants to help me coupon?  Yeah, I'm a bit of a control freak.

3)  I'm looking forward to seeing the movie version of "24" but I'm not sure if it'll ever come out.  Maybe Jack Bauer will die of the common cold, ha!

4)  I truly wish I could fly down to San Diego this weekend to see meet my newest niece Mandy Grace.  She is pretty stinkin adorable and this Auntie needs to hold her.

5)  Tonight I learned both the joy and horror of your child taking a 3 hour afternoon nap.  I'll post pictures later.

6)  I don't let my husband get the mail.  It is a small little daily enjoyment I get to have and I'm kinda possessive about it.  I just love getting the mail!

7)  I love receiving and writing thank you notes, something so fun and personal about a hand-written note.

I'm going to give this award to my friend Heather.  Heather is pretty much as close to Super Mom as you can get and let me tell you, it is a shame she is stopping with 4 because her kids are BEAUTIFUL.

So wow, there you have it.  My first "Blog Award"  I'd like to thank the Academy....and my mom....oh, nevermind.

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