Thursday, January 6, 2011

11 Months!!

11 months.  11 months.  11 months.
No matter how many times I say it, I still can't believe it!!
This past Monday MY little boy turned 11 months old.
11 months!  Really, it's the truth.  11 MONTHS!

Okay, enough with the drama.

As always, I'm late on the monthly posts, but here's what he's up to this month.

Height:  Not sure exactly, probably about 32 inches.  He's definitely growing.  Though I'm not sure exactly what measurement is, I measure it by what he can reach.  He can now reach for things on top of the desk in the bonus room.  I realized this as I watched bills and pieces of paper fly from the desk while I watched from the hallway :-)
Weight:  Probably around 25-26lbs.  I meant to weigh him "before" and "after" Christmas vacation with the grandparents but forgot to.  I'm sure he gained weight from all the real sugar they gave him and all the hugs/kisses "sugar" they gave him too!
Likes:  Floppy!  Jumping!  Walking around with your walker, banging toys, crawling around the coffee table, coasters!  Elmo, Elmo, Elmo, Praise Baby, Cedarmont kids CD's, climbing the stairs, EATING, swimming, being thrown up in the air, all types of phones, having your Mama sing you songs, reading books, your friend Haddie, visiting your grandparents and aunts/uncles.  
Dislikes:  Sitting still when getting your diaper changed (depends on your mood, sometimes you are SOOOO wiggly), sometimes you hate getting your face wiped after meals.  You hate sitting still while Mommy clips your fingernails.  You hate something being out of your reach or being told "no" you can't touch something. 

Eating:  Despite the constant comments we get about you looking so malnourished (HA, HA, HA!!!) we insist that you are a great eater.  You LOVE veggies.  You will eat green beans, peas, carrots, and now corn like you're not going to be eating again for days.  You love meat, you love ate as much as your Nana at the Olive Garden over Christmas.  You also tried black olives and loved those too.  You still love to snack on Ritz, puffs, and cheerios.  You love fruit and inhaled the canned plums you tried at your GongGong's house.  You're sometimes picky about whether you want to feed yourself, have us feed you, or whether you want to pick up the food off the high chair tray or off our hands.  You're just funny.  You drink great from a sippy, which is filled with just water 98% of the time.  You don't seem to looove juice yet which is okay.  You're still having 3 bottles a day, but have varied in how much you drink each time.  Sometimes it's only 5-6 ounces when you've had a big meal, but you can still also drink 8 ounces at times.  I'm sooooo sad thinking that you'll be moving on to "big boy" milk next month and won't need a bottle anymore.  Oh, I know....maybe I'll just hit rewind and you'll suddenly be a little baby again?!??!!  That would work right?

 Yummy, yummy in my tummy!

Sleeping:  You're sleeping much better at night, going down sometime between 8pm and 9pm depending on the night.  You usually sleep until sometime between 6:30am-7:30am.  You haven't been waking up much in the middle of the night.  You're still taking 2 naps a day but this past week they have been SO SHORT.  UGH.  We'll see if you're transitioning to a new schedule or you're just having a crazy week.  Mama hopes it's just a weird couple of days and that you're not deciding to not nap anymore, because well, that's not good!  You still sleep with your 2 Floppies and take a paci when you go down.

Personality:  BUSY.  That's how I would describe you.  Suddenly, you are into everything and go around the entire house like a crazy man finding things to play with or climb or gnaw on.  You love to take all of your toys out and take books off your shelf.  
You're becoming a little bit of a ham.  You have a shy side but you're really starting to wave "hi" and "bye bye" to people.  You are SO aware of other kids these days, it's fun to watch.  You're not as much of a "mama's boy" as you were last month but you still follow me around all. the. time.  Whatever I'm doing, you want to be doing too!  Which really, I don't mind :-)  You can be quite the "help" in the kitchen....

 don't forget to sweep under the island Mama, I noticed you like to skip that part
You can be very loud when you want to be.  
You're very observant.  You seem to know when you're the center of attention and that only eggs you on to continue whatever it was you were doing.  

You're stubborn, and you're curious.  

You seem to have a bit of a temper and are persistent in seeing how many times you can be told "no, don't touch that" before you think we really mean business.  You're still not a huge cuddler but you LIGHT UP when you see Mommy and Daddy (or other members of your family/friends) and we know you love us.  Which is good, because we kinda love you too!

Highlights:  You have 2 more teeth coming in on the top bringing the total to 5 teeth now!  You have learned how to use your walker toy to walk everywhere.  Now you can maneuver it when you run into something, to get it to turn directions so you can keep's fun to watch.  You're talking/babbling more and really trying to say words.  You were babysat for the first time by someone other than immediate family.  You had your first Christmas which was spent at Grandfather/Nana's and Poppy/GongGong's and though you were oblivious to the presents, you loooooved all the attention you received.
I still can't believe that next month you are going to be one year old.  It blows my mind.  I already know I'm going the week before your birthday balling like a baby because you'll no longer be a baby.  Yet, I know you must grow up.  And though I loved you as a baby, you are equally, if not more, adorable and fun as you grow.  Daddy and I can't get enough of you and will do our best to smother you with what we like to call "hugs and loves" so you know just HOW MUCH we love you.  Happy 11 months my little koalas :-)

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