Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Farewell Morning Nap

Dearest Morning Nap,

     As I reflect on our last 12 1/2 months together, I must admit that you were not always welcome by all our family members.  Our newest addition to the family resisted your presence about 5 months into the relationship.  I remember celebrating with great joy when you finally graced us with your presence consistently for 40 minutes every day sometime between 9 and 11am.  Those 40 minutes were like Christmas morning, fresh waffles cones and beach sunsets all wrapped into one.  Soon, you were better received and you started sticking around for longer visits, sometimes lasting up to 2 and 1/2 hours.  Oh, how I loved those visits.  Now, I wasn't the greatest company for you during those visits because I was usually busy deciding whether the time during your visit would be best used by showering, sleeping, cleaning, cooking, or sitting on my bum watching TV eating Skittles for breakfast, but I loved your visits nonetheless.  It made it a bit easier to get up each morning knowing you would be stopping by in just a few short hours.  So, you can imagine how depressed I am now that you are no longer coming to our home.  I'm not sure whether something was done to offend you (if there was, I'm sorry, please come back!) or whether you're just moving on to another home that needs you more, but I didn't anticipate our relationship ending so quickly or abruptly.  Don't get me wrong, I still love that you let us hang out with your brother Afternoon Nap each day, but life's just not the same without the first half of the Dynamic Duo.  Funny though, my little guy seems to have adjusted quite well.  I know he loved and needed you for a time but now he is quite happy walking around ALL MORNING LONG like a crazy man trying to find something he can explore, tear into, or push on the floor like a car.  I suppose now that you're not visiting I'm a bit more productive because I don't get to anticipate the "chance to sit down for a bit" that you brought each morning and now I can run longer errands in the morning because I won't have to be home to let you in.  Look at me trying to the find the bright side in this situation.  So, go on Morning Nap....go to the home of a child and Mama that needs you more than us now.  But, PLEASE come back and visit us, especially during the teething and growth spurt holidays....the key is under the mat, you're always welcome.

Your Biggest Fan 

1 comment:

  1. You are so adorable! What a wonderful letter, I can't imagine why he wouldn't want to visit such a lovely family! ;)


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