Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Random life

Just some random thoughts/thing I want to remember/stuff going on

*  Laundry and cleaning.  Really?  Its just never ending.  NEVER ENDING.

*  I bought a magnetic doll set for 25 cents at a garage sale last week for when we have our friend's little girl over, but I put a few on the fridge for Ben to play with and he is loooooving them.  I ask him to "go put the magnet on the fridge" and he knows exactly what I'm talking about, so it's fun :-)

*  Ben loves to bed read to, and convinced Daddy to read him a story or two a couple of nights this past week

seriously?  When did he get SO LONG?  He needs to stop growing.  Asap.  Done.  No more.

*  He threw his first major FIT out in public yesterday.  We were having dinner at Carl's Jr. and he wanted to hide food in his high chair and was soooo mad when we told him no.  We removed his food and he just whined and cried the whole time.  Later when we went to Bi-Mart he wanted to get out of the cart and walk but that means he grabs everything off the shelf.  So when I didn't let him, he screamed and cried and turned all red and blotchy.  I held him, yet he continued.  So I took him out to the van.  We went to Wal-Mart and he did the same thing so we waited in the van while Daddy got the gardening stuff he needed.  It was so emotionally draining.  He knew exactly what he was doing and so I couldn't just "try to distract him" or give him his paci or try to appease him.  I want him to learn to obey and listen to his mama because I want to teach him right from wrong.  I want him to grow up knowing he's a sinner that needs Jesus.  I know he will never be perfectly behaved, nor do I expect him to, but I do hope that he will eventually choose to obey because he knows that in obeying his parents he is pleasing and obeying God.  I think I might need to check out "The Strong Willed Child" from the library?? :-)  Here's an example of his temper after bath time when he had to get his pajamas on.....oh boy!

*  Tonight Benjamin was having a blast feeding Daddy his blueberries....he may have had a few himself too!

*  Benjamin absolutely loves us to sing to him.  He was going to get his sling shot after his bath tonight so we could sing "Only a Boy named David"

*  He was loving his new blueberry multi-grain bar for a snack after his nap (with his cute bed head)

*  His hair is seriously crazy when he's out of the tub. 

*  While Daddy was putting weed killer all over the yard tonight, Ben and I played.  We dove into the dress up box again....this picture is for you cousin Jack.  Ha ha ha!  Daddy was mortified, but I must say, green is a pretty good color on him and the ruffles are so stinkin cute.  LOL!  :-)

*  Tonight I sang Benjamin to sleep a little bit, which I don't normally do.  I usually just sing "You are my sunshine" to him and put him down.  But tonight I rocked him and sang to him and told him how much I love him and that's why we sometimes have to make him mad when we discipline him.  I could have held him forever, I am so blessed to be his mama.  I put him down in his crib, and he stood up to give me a hug and rest his head on me for another second.  Melt. my. heart.  Being a mommy is seriously the best.

*  It's time for a piece of cheesecake so here's a few pics of my cute little booger at bath time tonight

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