Monday, April 4, 2011

This break brought to you by the letters M & T

Benjamin is napping and I am enjoying a break brought by the letters M and T!

M as in M&M's....

and T as in Peppermint Tea!

It is kind of a dreary, somewhat cold day here in Oregon.  So I spent the morning cleaning up a bit, turning on the fireplace, lighting and candle and trying to keep my little man entertained.  Which, when you have an active, teething boy who is still adjusting to no morning nap.....well, let's just say I'm enjoying my break.

So far today we've read lots and lots of books, played with blocks, colored with sidewalk chalk, tried painting with a brush for the first time, played cars, played piano, played with play food, tickled each other, ran around like know, a normal day in our house!

Tonight, we're probably going to have a night in and watch the NCAA Men's basketball tourney championship game tonight.  I'm thinking UConn is going to take it by about 8 points, but I'm kinda rooting for Butler because everyone loves a good underdog :-)
I also wanted to blog these quick stories so I remember my crazy son.
1)  While I was putting clothes away upstairs Benjamin spotted my cellphone on my nightstand.  Of course, he wanted it.  I patiently redirected him away from it several times, telling him he was not to play with it.  He finally started walking away and I thought "yes, he's obeying!"  He walked out of my room, around the corner of the stair banisters, waited a second....then walked slowly back into the room without making a noise and darted for the phone.  I redirected him again, and he walked out of the room, went around the corner (as though he was going to go play in the play room) and then came walking sneakily back into the room, watching for me to notice as he got closer and closer to the phone.  He did this about 4 times!  How can something be so funny and so naughty all at the same time?  When did he become so sneaky?

2)  Benjamin was fussing in the living room this morning and was kind of waving his arm like he wanted my attention.  I went over to him and he took a few steps toward the dining room, looked to make sure I was coming, then took a few more steps, looked, stepped, etc, etc.  He did this until he made his way tot he pantry where he put both his hands up on the pantry door, slowly turned around and in the cutest possible voice he could muster, said "Cookie?"  HA HA HA!  I almost lost it.  Of course, he did not get a cookie because it was 9:45 in the morning, but for a split second I almost gave him one just because it was so cute.  I knew that might cause a habit though so I thought better of it.  Oh my son, you make life so entertaining :-)

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