Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

Peter is a great husband.  And a great son, a great friend, a great employee.  He really is great at all those things and I love him for it.

But he is an AMAZING Daddy.  Amazing.

He changes diapers, takes pacifier duty at night, plays board games, wears our boys out with wrestling and chasing, reads countless books.  He intentionally slows our pace of life down enough so our boys can take time to throw rocks in the water, stop and enjoy the airplanes in the sky, or get one more tickle fest in before bedtime.  He is so patient in his discipline.  He gives the best hugs.  He takes the time to explain and teach so many things so our boys are always learning.  He is goofy and silly.  He takes his role as Daddy so seriously and I know he prays often for his boys.  I'm not sure who has more of a sparkle in their eye when they are with each other, Peter or his boys.

I always knew he would be a good Daddy, and yet it still seems even better than I imagined to watch.  I get a front row seat to see the man I love mold and shape the two boys we have together.  I can only hope they grow up to be just like him.  Benjamin is pretty much his twin and Jonah has his um, distinctive, ears :-)  They both have his smile.  And they both have a huge spot in their Daddy's heart.

So thanks Peter for being a Daddy that is such a gift to our family.  Our boys absolutely adore you and I know how blessed I am to be your partner in this parenting craziness.  We sure make cute kiddos :-)

 Happy Father's Day 2012

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